Complex migrations, geographic or virtual, one or a thousand databases – there is no data that is “too much”.
When migrating in terms of the server- and web hosting-business, we take the task of “thinking of everything” from you. We handle large and small amounts of data, even at unusual times, and handle the migration from and to a wide range of groupware, server and content management applications.
And since we always focus on stability and performance, but also on the completeness of the migrations, we test each task beforehand on our development systems if possible. So we know what’s coming up on the production migration. This way, complete satisfaction is certain.
Web servers:
- nginx
- Apache
- lighttpd
- OpenVZ
- XEN (PV & HVM)
- VMware
Jabber/XMPP servers:
- ejabberd
- prosody
- Openfire
- Firebird
- MySQL (& MariaDB)
- MongoDB
Mail servers:
- Atmail
- Exim
- Microsoft Exchange Server
- Open-Xchange
- Postfix
- qmail
- Courier Mailserver
- Dovecot
- Cyrus IMAP Server
- MailEnable
Content management systems:
- WordPress
- Joomla
- Contao
- Drupal
- Movable Type
- Serendipity
- Atmail
- Kolab
- Horde Groupware
- eGroupWare
- Zimbra Collaboration
- Open-Xchange
- SmarterMail
- Perl
- Ruby on Rails